Lois et règlements

2014, c.125 - Nursing Homes Act

Texte intégral
À jour au 1er janvier 2024
2014, c.125
Nursing Homes Act
Deposited December 30, 2014
1The following definitions apply in this Act.
“Director” means the director responsible for nursing home services appointed under section 2. (directeur)
“inspector” means an inspector appointed under section 25. (inspecteur)
“licence” means a licence issued under section 4 and includes a renewal of a licence. (permis)
“licensee” means a person who holds a licence. (titulaire d’un permis)
“Minister” means the Minister of Social Development and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf. (ministre)
“nursing home” means a residential facility operated, whether for profit or not, for the purpose of supervisory, personal or nursing care for seven or more persons who are not related by blood or marriage to the operator of the home and who by reason of age, infirmity or mental or physical disability are not fully able to care for themselves but does not include an institution operated under the Mental Health Act, the Hospital Services Act, the Hospital Act or the Family Services Act. (foyer de soins)
“operator” means a person who, by themselves or through their agent, operates a nursing home and includes a partnership registered under the Partnerships and Business Names Registration Act, a limited partnership, a corporation or an association. (exploitant)
“resident” means a person admitted to and residing in a nursing home. (pensionnaire)
1982, c.N-11, s.1; 1984, c.L-9.1, s.49; 1986, c.8, s.89; 1986, c.62, s.24; 1987, c.6, s.74; 1992, c.52, s.22; 2000, c.26, s.230; 2008, c.6, s.33; 2016, c.37, s.126; 2019, c.2, s.102; 2021, c.43, s.1
2(1)The Minister is responsible for the administration of this Act and may designate one or more persons to act on the Minister’s behalf.
2(2)A director responsible for nursing home services shall be appointed in accordance with the Civil Service Act.
1982, c.N-11, s.2; 2021, c.43, s.2
Prohibitions respecting nursing homes
3(1)Without the prior written approval of the Minister, no person shall incorporate a company for the purposes of, or one of the objects of which is, establishing, operating or maintaining a nursing home.
3(2)No person shall establish, operate or maintain a nursing home unless the person holds a licence.
3(3)No person shall use the term nursing home or words of like import in connection with any premises unless the person holds a licence.
1982, c.N-11, s.3
Issuance and renewal of licence
4(1)On application in accordance with the regulations, the Minister may issue a licence to a person for the purposes of establishing, operating or maintaining a nursing home.
4(2)A licence is valid for the period of time determined in accordance with the regulations.
4(3)On application in accordance with the regulations, the Minister may renew a licence.
4(4)The Minister may refuse to issue or renew a licence under this section if the Minister is not satisfied that it is in the public interest to establish, operate or maintain a nursing home
(a) in the area where the applicant proposes to establish, operate and maintain the nursing home, or
(b) with a total bed capacity as proposed by the applicant.
4(5)A licence is subject to the terms and conditions prescribed by the regulations and any additional terms and conditions that the Minister considers appropriate.
1982, c.N-11, s.4
Display of licence
5A licensee shall at all times display the licensee’s licence in a conspicuous place within the nursing home.
1982, c.N-11, s.5
Licence not transferable
6(1)A licence is not transferable.
6(2)When a licensee is a corporation, the licensee shall notify the Director in writing of a change in the officers or directors of the corporation within 15 days after the change.
1982, c.N-11, s.6
Modification or revocation of or refusal to renew licence
7(1)The Minister may modify, revoke or refuse to renew a licence if, in the Minister’s opinion based on reasonable grounds,
(a) the operator or the nursing home fails to meet the requirements of this Act and the regulations,
(b) the operator violates a provision of this Act or the regulations,
(c) the operator fails to comply with the terms and conditions to which the licence is subject,
(d) a person has made a false statement in the application for the licence or a renewal of the licence or in a report, document or other information required to be furnished under this Act or the regulations or by any other Act or regulation that applies to a nursing home, or
(e) the operator operates the nursing home in a manner that prejudices the health, safety or welfare of the residents.
7(2)Within 30 days after receipt of notice of an action or decision of the Minister under this section, an operator who is aggrieved by the action or decision may request that the Minister review it.
7(3)On receiving a request under subsection (2), the Minister shall review the Minister’s action or decision and may confirm, vacate or alter it.
1982, c.N-11, s.7; 1985, c.4, s.50; 2021, c.43, s.3
Delivery of records
8When a licence is revoked, a renewal of a licence is refused or a licence expires and is not renewed, the operator shall deliver to the Minister all records that are in the operator’s possession or control and that pertain to the residents.
1982, c.N-11, s.8
Arrangements to vacate
9(1)When a licence is revoked, a renewal of a licence is refused or a licence expires and is not renewed, the residents shall arrange to vacate the nursing home as soon as is practicable and the Director shall assist in finding alternative accommodations.
9(2)When a resident is unable on their own to vacate a nursing home as required under subsection (1), the next of kin or legal representative of the resident shall assist the resident in doing so.
1982, c.N-11, s.9; 2021, c.43, s.4
Appointment of trustee
10(1)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may appoint a trustee, for a term not exceeding 12 months, in any of the following circumstances:
(a) in the opinion of the Minister based on reasonable grounds,
(i) a nursing home is not functioning effectively,
(ii) the operator or the nursing home fails to meet the requirements of this Act and the regulations,
(iii) the operator violates a provision of this Act or the regulations, or
(iv) the operator fails to comply with the terms and conditions to which the operator’s licence is subject; or
(b) the licence of a nursing home has been revoked, a renewal of a licence is refused or a licence expires and is not renewed.
10(2)On the appointment of a trustee under subsection (1),
(a) without further action, the trustee is vested with all property, powers, duties and liabilities of the operator in relation to the nursing home, including all bank accounts, safety deposit boxes or trust funds in the name of, or in the control of the operator and also including trusts controlled or administered by a person on behalf of the operator in relation to the nursing home or its residents, and
(b) a contract or other arrangement for the administration of the nursing home, except a collective agreement, is suspended unless otherwise directed in writing by the trustee.
10(3)The trustee shall have access to all books, records and other documents relating to the operation of the nursing home and, for the purposes of this section, the trustee has the powers of a commissioner under the Inquiries Act.
10(4)The trustee may operate the nursing home and may engage, direct and dismiss staff, purchase goods and supplies, enter into contracts and otherwise engage in any activity necessary to the operation of the nursing home.
10(5)The trustee shall be deemed to be the employer for the purposes of a collective agreement in force in relation to employees of the nursing home and for the purposes of negotiating and entering into a collective agreement.
10(6)The trustee may take action against the operator on behalf of the beneficiaries of a trust held by the operator.
10(7)A trustee appointed under this section shall at all times be indemnified and saved harmless out of the funds of the operator from and against the following:
(a) all costs, charges and expenses that the trustee sustains or incurs in or about an action, suit or proceeding against the trustee for or in respect of an act, deed, matter or thing made, done or permitted by the trustee in or about the execution of the trustee’s duties as trustee; and
(b) all other costs, charges and expenses that the trustee sustains or incurs in or about or in relation to the affairs of the nursing home, except costs, charges or expenses that are occasioned by the trustee’s own wilful neglect or wilful default.
10(8)When the Lieutenant-Governor in Council is satisfied that the reason for appointing a trustee under subsection (1) no longer exists, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council may terminate the appointment of the trustee and all property, powers, duties and liabilities vested in or acquired by the trustee are revested or vested in the operator on the termination, without further action.
10(9)On the termination of the trustee’s appointment under subsection (8), the trustee shall report to the Lieutenant-Governor in Council with respect to the nursing home.
10(10)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make all or any of the trustee’s report public.
10(11)No action shall be taken by an operator for loss of profits during the period of the appointment of a trustee.
10(12)Despite sections 22 and 37 of the Expropriation Act and subsection (1), if the Minister intends to expropriate a nursing home in respect of which a trustee has been appointed under this section, the trustee may continue in possession of the nursing home and to operate the nursing home pending the completion of the expropriation proceeding.
1982, c.N-11, s.10; 1985, c.4, s.50
Number of accommodations provided
11(1)Without the written authorization of the Minister, no operator shall provide accommodation for more than 150 residents in one nursing home.
11(2)No operator operating a nursing home where supervisory and personal care only are provided shall provide accommodation for more than 29 residents in that nursing home.
1982, c.N-11, s.11
Change in bed capacity
12Without the prior written approval of the Minister, no operator shall make a change in the bed capacity of the nursing home or in the services provided by the nursing home.
1982, c.N-11, s.12
Duties of operator
13An operator shall
(a) provide to each person approved for admission to a nursing home and to their next of kin or legal representative
(i) a written statement of the services provided by the nursing home, any additional services that will be provided, if needed, and any additional costs associated with them, and
(ii) a written statement of policies governing the nursing home;
(b) involve a resident or person approved for admission to a nursing home and their next of kin or legal representative in plans regarding the admission or discharge of the resident or person approved for admission to a nursing home;
(c) ensure that no unauthorized individual or agency is permitted to interview or examine a resident or resident records for the purposes of research or any other purpose without the consent of the operator and the informed consent of the resident or, when the resident is unable to give an informed consent, the informed consent of their next of kin or legal representative; and
(d) establish and follow a regular procedure for the hearing of concerns of residents of the nursing home.
1982, c.N-11, s.13; 2021, c.43, s.5
Record of resident
14(1)An operator shall keep a complete and up-to-date record for each resident from the time of admission to the time of discharge and the record shall include the following:
(a) the standard admission form required by the regulations;
(b) the admission medical report and subsequent medical reports;
(c) a comprehensive care plan;
(d) physician’s, pharmacist’s, nurse practitioner’s and dentist’s notes and orders;
(e) medication and treatment sheets;
(f) nurse’s notes;
(g) activation and rehabilitation program progress reports and attendance records;
(h) special dietary requirements or problems;
(i) discharge sheets showing the date of discharge, the reason for discharge, the condition of the resident at the time of discharge, the address to which the resident has been discharged;
(j) the type and amount of drugs accompanying the resident on discharge;
(k) a recording of all valuables belonging to the resident, if the operator has undertaken to keep them in safe keeping; and
(l) any health care directives.
14(2)Subject to subsection (3), the records that each operator is required to keep under subsection (1) are confidential documents and no information contained in them shall be imparted to any person other than for the purpose of the care of the resident or for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act and the regulations.
14(3)A copy of the information referred to in subsection (2) may be made available to any person
(a) on the written request of the resident concerned,
(b) in the event of the incapacity or death of a resident, on the written request of the resident’s next of kin or legal representative,
(b.1) Repealed: 2019, c.30, s.32
(c) on the written order of the Minister, or
(d) on the order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
1982, c.N-11, s.14; 2002, c.23, s.7; 2009, c.12, s.1; 2016, c.46, s.21; 2019, c.30, s.32
Retention of record
15Subject to sections 8, 25 and 27, an operator shall ensure that no part of the record of a resident required to be kept under section 14 is removed from the nursing home, including the record of a discharged or deceased resident, and that the record is retained for a period of ten years following the discharge or death of the resident, after which time the record may be destroyed.
1982, c.N-11, s.15
Transfer of record
16When a resident moves to another nursing home or is admitted as a patient of a regional health authority as defined in the Regional Health Authorities Act, a summary of the resident’s record relating to medical diagnosis, treatment, diet and other similar matters shall be sent to that nursing home or regional health authority.
1982, c.N-11, s.16; 1992, c.52, s.22; 2002, c.1, s.15
Discharge of resident
17An operator may discharge a resident in the circumstances prescribed by regulation.
1982, c.N-11, s.17; 2021, c.43, s.6
Notification of discharge
2021, c.43, s.7
17.1(1)No operator shall discharge a resident unless the operator gives notice at least 30 days before the date of discharge to the following persons:
(a) the resident;
(b) the next of kin or legal representative of the resident or, if there is no next of kin or legal representative, the Director; and
(c) the Minister.
17.1(2)Despite subsection (1), if the operator believes on reasonable grounds that the immediate discharge of the resident is necessary for the safety of the resident or of other residents or staff, the operator may give notice immediately before the resident is discharged.
2021, c.43, s.7
Notification of next of kin or legal representative
18When a resident suffers an accident of a major nature, undergoes a serious change in their condition or dies, the operator shall notify the resident’s next of kin or legal representative as soon as possible.
1982, c.N-11, s.18; 2021, c.43, s.8
Notification to Director of major incident or accident
19An operator shall notify the Director as soon as possible of a major incident or accident that affects or may affect the health and safety of the residents or staff.
1982, c.N-11, s.19
Preparation and submission of records, accounts and reports to Minister
20Every operator shall prepare and submit to the Minister any accounts, records and reports concerning the operation of the nursing home that are required by the regulations and any additional reports or other documents that the Minister may require.
1982, c.N-11, s.20
Payment of accommodation and services not to exceed amount prescribed
21(1)No operator shall demand or accept, or cause or permit a person to demand or accept on behalf of the operator, payment for accommodation and services provided in a nursing home in an amount in excess of that prescribed by the regulations.
21(2)The Minister may commence an action in a court of competent jurisdiction to recover from an operator an excess payment referred to in subsection (1) that is accepted by or on behalf of the operator, with costs, and on the recovery shall pay the amount of the excess payment recovered to the person from whom it was accepted.
1982, c.N-11, s.21
Provision of financial assistance to nursing homes
22(1)In this section, “financial assistance” includes (aide financière)
(a) making a direct loan,
(b) guaranteeing the repayment of a loan,
(c) guaranteeing a bond or debenture,
(d) acquiring shares in a corporation, and
(e) making grants and forgivable loans.
22(2)With the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council or in accordance with the regulations, the Minister may provide financial assistance to aid and encourage the establishment, operation and maintenance of nursing homes in the Province, and the financial assistance shall be in accordance with the terms and conditions specified by the Minister and the terms and conditions specified in the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.
22(3)The Minister may take any security that the Minister considers appropriate for financial assistance provided under this section and has authority to enforce the security in accordance with its terms.
22(4)When an amount becomes legally due and payable by virtue of anything done under subsection (2) or as a result of a call of a guarantee issued under that subsection, the amount is a liability of the Province and is payable out of the Consolidated Fund.
1982, c.N-11, s.22
Provision of assistance to person in need
23(1)In this section, “person in need” means a person who is unable to provide for themselves.
23(2)The Minister may provide assistance, in accordance with the regulations, to persons in need residing in a nursing home operated by the holder of a valid licence.
23(3)Despite the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act and for the purposes of this Act, the Minister may enter into agreements with the Canada Revenue Agency to collect, use or disclose tax information, including personal information, to establish eligibility for assistance.
23(4)Prior to entering into an agreement under subsection (3), the Minister shall obtain the consent of the person whose eligibility is being established.
23(5)For the purposes of this section, “personal information” means the name and date of birth of the person whose eligibility is being established.
1982, c.N-11, s.23; 2016, c.45, s.4; 2021, c.43, s.9
Restrictions on adding to or altering building or facilities
24Without the prior written approval of the Minister, no person shall add a building or facilities to, or alter, a building or facility or part of a building or facility that is used for the purposes of a nursing home operated by the holder of a valid licence unless the action does not result in additional continuing operating costs and the capital cost of it is less than $10,000.
1982, c.N-11, s.24
25(1)The Minister may appoint persons as inspectors for the purposes of this Act and the regulations.
25(2)The Minister shall issue to each inspector a certificate of their appointment and every inspector shall produce their certificate of appointment on request.
25(3)An inspector may at any reasonable time enter a nursing home to make an inspection to ensure that the provisions of this Act and the regulations are being complied with.
25(4)Before or after attempting to enter a nursing home under subsection (3), an inspector may apply for an entry warrant in accordance with the Entry Warrants Act.
25(5)During an inspection under this section, an inspector
(a) is entitled to free access to all books of account, documents, bank accounts, vouchers, correspondence and records, including resident, medical and drug records, that are relevant for the purposes of the inspection, and
(b) may remove any material referred to in paragraph (a), after giving a receipt for it, that relates to the purpose of the inspection for the purpose of making a copy of it, if the copying is carried out with reasonable dispatch and the material in question is promptly returned to the person being inspected.
25(6)A copy made as provided for in subsection (5) and purporting to be certified by an inspector is admissible in evidence in an action, proceeding or prosecution and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, is proof of the original without proof of the appointment, authority or signature of the person appearing to have signed the certificate.
25(7)No person shall obstruct an inspector or withhold, destroy, conceal or refuse to furnish any information or thing required by the inspector for the purposes of an inspection.
1982, c.N-11, s.25; 1986, c.6, s.30; 2021, c.43, s.10
Approval of by-laws by Minister
26No by-law of a nursing home operated on a non-profit basis that pertains to a matter in relation to which the Lieutenant-Governor in Council is authorized to make regulations under this Act has any effect until it is approved by the Minister.
1991, c.14, s.1
Records to be made available to Minister on request
27A record required to be kept under this Act or the regulations shall be made available to the Minister on request.
1982, c.N-11, s.26
28When, with respect to boards of directors of nursing homes that are operated on a non-profit basis, there is a conflict between the provisions of this Act or the regulations under this Act and the provisions of another Act of the Legislature, the regulations under that Act or an instrument of incorporation or the by-laws of a nursing home that is operated on a non-profit basis, this Act and the regulations under this Act prevail.
1988, c.69, s.1
2021, c.43, s.11
28.1(1)A person who becomes a resident of a nursing home due to personal injuries suffered as a result of the negligence or wrongful act of another person may make a claim against that person for their losses and injuries, in which case they shall attempt to recover the amount of assistance provided to them by the Minister under section 23.
28.1(2)A person referred to in subsection (1) who suffered personal injuries and who recovers the amount or a portion of the amount of assistance provided to them by the Minister under section 23 shall remit the amount to the Minister without delay.
28.1(3)The Crown in right of the Province may make a claim in its own name or in the name of the person referred to in subsection (1) who suffered personal injuries for recovery of the amount of assistance provided by the Minister under section 23.
28.1(4)The fact that a release has been given, a claim has been settled or a judgment has been obtained shall not discharge the liability of the person who was negligent or who carried out the wrongful act for the amount of assistance provided by the Minister under section 23 unless the person referred to in subsection (1) who suffered personal injuries or the Crown in right of the Province attempted to recover or recovered the amount or a portion of the amount of that assistance.
28.1(5)If a settlement of a claim or a judgment does not provide complete recovery to the person referred to in subsection (1) who suffered personal injuries for their losses and injuries and to the Crown in right of the Province for the amount of assistance provided to them by the Minister under section 23, the two parties shall share pro rata in proportion to their respective losses the amount recovered.
28.1(6)No release or settlement of a claim is binding on the Crown in right of the Province unless the Minister has approved the release or settlement in writing.
28.1(7)If the person who was negligent or who carried out the wrongful act is insured and the person referred to in subsection (1) who suffered personal injuries makes a claim without attempting to recover the amount of assistance provided to them under section 23, the insurer shall pay to the Minister the amount of assistance and payment shall discharge the liability of the insurer to pay that amount to the insured person in any subsequent claim.
28.1(8)In an action commenced under this section, a certificate signed by or purporting to be signed by the Minister or a designate of the Minister is admissible in evidence in any court and is proof, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, of the facts stated in it without proof of the appointment, authority or signature of the Minister or designate.
28.1(9)Despite any other provision of this Act, the Minister may authorize the payment of a fee to a barrister and solicitor who makes a claim on behalf of a person referred to in subsection (1) who suffered personal injuries and who recovers the amount or a portion of the amount of assistance provided to them by the Minister under section 23.
2021, c.43, s.11
Offences and penalties
29(1)A person who violates or fails to comply with a provision of the regulations commits an offence.
29(2)A person who violates or fails to comply with a provision of this Act that is listed in Column I of Schedule A commits an offence.
29(3)For the purposes of Part 2 of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act, each offence listed in Column I of Schedule A is punishable as an offence of the category listed beside it in Column II of Schedule A.
1982, c.N-11, s.27; 1990, c.61, s.94
30(1)Subject to subsection (2), this Act applies to all nursing homes in the Province whether established before or after the commencement of this Act.
30(2)Subject to any terms and conditions that the Minister considers appropriate and indefinitely or for any period of time that the Minister considers appropriate, the Minister may exclude from the application of all or any provision of this Act or the regulations a nursing home that was in existence immediately before June 17, 1982, and that was operating in accordance with the law of the Province at that time.
1982, c.N-11, s.28
31The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) respecting the application for and the issuance and renewal of licences, including the terms and conditions to be satisfied by an applicant before the issuance of a licence;
(b) respecting terms and conditions to which licences are subject;
(c) respecting the period of time for which a licence is valid;
(d) respecting the services, care, facilities and amenities that nursing homes shall provide and governing and prescribing the staff requirements and duties of staff in respect of the care and services that shall be provided to residents;
(e) respecting the admission of residents to nursing homes;
(e.1) authorizing the Minister to determine that exceptional circumstances exist that may necessitate the implementation of an alternate admission process and prescribing considerations to be taken into account by the Minister in making the determination;
(e.2) authorizing the Minister, despite other provisions of the regulations, to determine that an operator or an admissions committee is required to select prospective residents in accordance with an alternate admission process if the Minister determines that exceptional circumstances exist and prescribing the alternate admission process;
(e.3) respecting notice requirements if an operator or an admissions committee is required to select prospective residents in accordance with an alternate admission process;
(e.4) respecting the length of time during which a determination by the Minister that an operator or an admissions committee is required to select prospective residents in accordance with an alternate admission process is effective;
(f) respecting the assessment and classification of residents for the purpose of determining the level of care required by residents;
(g) respecting amounts that may be charged to residents for accommodation, including prescribing maximum amounts that may be charged;
(h) regulating or prohibiting charges by nursing homes in respect of an amenity or facility required to be provided;
(i) respecting the construction, establishment, location, safety, equipment, maintenance and repair of nursing homes and of additions or alterations to them, and respecting the information, plans and other material that are to be furnished to the Director;
(j) respecting the management and operation of nursing homes;
(k) respecting the establishment of boards of directors of nursing homes that are operated on a non-profit basis and the selection and appointment of board members and their terms of office, including the maximum number of years that board members may serve;
(l) respecting the size and composition of boards of directors of nursing homes that are operated on a non-profit basis;
(m) respecting the criteria on which the eligibility of a person to be a member of a board of directors of a nursing home that is operated on a non-profit basis is to be determined;
(n) respecting conflicts of interest pertaining to members of boards of directors of nursing homes that are operated on a non-profit basis, including the circumstances that constitute a conflict of interest, the disclosure of a conflict of interest and the manner in which a conflict of interest is to be dealt with;
(o) respecting criteria to be considered in the selection and appointment of members of boards of directors of nursing homes that are operated on a non-profit basis;
(p) respecting the officers, staff and employees of nursing homes and prescribing their duties, responsibilities and qualifications for employment;
(p.1) authorizing a medical officer of health to determine the conditions under which a person employed in a nursing home may work in the nursing home while a carrier of or sick from a notifiable disease;
(q) requiring the bonding of the chief administrators of nursing homes, prescribing the form of a bond, its terms and the collateral security required and providing for the forfeiture of bonds and the disposition of the proceeds;
(r) requiring in-service training programs to be provided to staff and employees of nursing homes;
(s) instituting a system for budgeting the annual expenditures of nursing homes;
(t) respecting the form and content of books, records and accounts that shall be kept by nursing homes;
(u) respecting the establishment and maintenance of trust accounts for residents;
(v) requiring the accounts of nursing homes to be audited and respecting those audits;
(w) requiring nursing homes to furnish any information or accounts that may be specified;
(x) respecting the reports and returns that shall be made to the Minister by licensees;
(y) respecting treatment, care, conduct, discipline and discharge of residents of nursing homes;
(z) respecting access to resident, medical or drug records by specified persons for specified purposes;
(aa) prescribing duties of inspectors;
(bb) exempting designated nursing homes from specified provisions of this Act or the regulations;
(cc) respecting interest to be charged on loans made under section 22;
(dd) authorizing the Minister to provide financial assistance under section 22 in prescribed circumstances or for prescribed purposes without the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council;
(ee) prescribing the circumstances in which and the purposes for which the Minister may provide financial assistance under section 22 without the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council;
(ff) respecting the manner of making an application for assistance provided under section 23;
(gg) respecting the information, material or proof of any fact, including evidence under oath, that is to be furnished before assistance is provided under section 23;
(hh) respecting the procedure to be followed in the consideration of all information, material and evidence furnished in connection with an application for assistance provided under section 23;
(ii) respecting the investigation of applications for assistance provided under section 23 in order to determine the eligibility of applicants;
(jj) providing for the determination or reassessment of the income of an applicant for or recipient of assistance provided under section 23 and that of their spouse or common-law partner;
(kk) prescribing contributions to be made by an applicant for or recipient of assistance provided under section 23 and their spouse or common-law partner before assistance is provided or continued under that section;
(ll) respecting the amount of assistance to be provided under section 23 having regard to varying degrees of need and the circumstances and conditions pertaining to it;
(mm) respecting the time and manner in which assistance is to be provided under section 23;
(nn) respecting the circumstances or conditions under which assistance provided under section 23 may be altered or cancelled;
(oo) authorizing the Minister to waive part or all of the contributions referred to in paragraph (kk) and prescribing the circumstances or conditions under which the Minister may exercise discretion to waive contributions;
(pp) respecting the procedure to be followed in appealing a decision of the Minister under section 23;
(qq) respecting safeguards governing the disclosure of information concerning recipients of assistance provided under section 23;
(rr) respecting the forms to be used for the purposes of this Act;
(ss) defining any word or expression used in but not defined in this Act for the purposes of this Act, the regulations, or both.
1982, c.N-11, s.29; 1988, c.69, s.2; 2009, c.12, s.2; 2021, c.43, s.12; 2023, c.5, s.1
Column I
Column II
Category of Offence
1990, c.61, s.94; 2021, c.43, s.13
N.B. This Act was proclaimed and came into force February 9, 2015.
N.B. This Act is consolidated to June 16, 2023.