Lois et règlements

A-5 - Agricultural Associations Act

Texte intégral
Abrogée le 1er septembre 2011
Agricultural Associations Act
Repealed: R.S.N.B. 2011, Schedule A
1In this Act
“agricultural fair association” means an organization of district, county or provincial scope whose purpose is to hold exhibitions of livestock, poultry, agricultural produce and the products of kindred agricultural and homemaking arts;(association de foires agricoles)
“agricultural society” means a community group of farmers organized for the general promotion of agriculture within that community;(société agricole)
“associations” includes district farmers associations, Provincial farmers association, agricultural fair associations and specialized agricultural associations;(associations)
“district” means any portion of the Province defined by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council as an agricultural district under this Act;(région)
“district farmers association” means an organization whose function is to co-ordinate the educational, promotional and other non-commercial activities of the various local agricultural organizations operating within a specified district;(association régionale d’agriculteurs)
“Minister” means the Minister of Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries;(Ministre)
“Provincial farmers association” means an organization constituted as the central co-ordinating agent of the several district farmers associations and of such other agricultural organizations as may from time to time be determined;(association provinciale d’agriculteurs)
“society” means an agricultural society incorporated under this or any Act relating to agriculture heretofore passed;(société)
“specialized agricultural association” means an organization of local, district or provincial scope devoted to the improvement and promotion, by education, demonstration or other non-commercial means, of one particular breed or kind of livestock or any other one special phase of agriculture.(association agricole spécialisée)
R.S., c.5, s.1; 1967, c.38, s.2; 1986, c.8, s.2; 1996, c.25, s.1; 2000, c.26, s.8; 2007, c.10, s.7; 2010, c.31, s.6
Powers and duties of Minister
2The supervision and control of the societies and associations and the administration of grants thereto is vested in the Minister.
R.S., c.5, s.2
Incorporation of societies and associations
3The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may
(a) grant letters patent of incorporation under the Great Seal for the incorporation of:
(i) agricultural societies;
(ii) district farmers associations;
(iii) a Provincial farmers association;
(iv) agricultural fair associations;
(v) specialized agricultural associations;
which societies and associations so incorporated shall have all the privileges and be subject to all the obligations made incident to corporations by law, with power to acquire and hold real estate to such value as may be limited in the letters patent,
(b) grant supplementary letters patent of incorporation,
(c) revoke and cancel the incorporation of any society now existing, or the letters patent or supplementary letters patent of any society or association incorporated under this Act, whereupon the legal title to the property and assets of the society or association shall vest in the Crown who shall convey same as directed by Order in Council;
(d) suspend the corporate rights and powers of a society or association under its letters patent for such time and under such conditions as he may prescribe.
R.S., c.5, s.3; 1985, c.4, s.2
Existing agricultural societies
4All agricultural societies heretofore established under any Act of the Legislature relating to agriculture subsist and continue as fully and effectually as if they had been incorporated under this Act, subject, however, to the provisions of this Act and to the powers and authorities conferred upon the Lieutenant-Governor in Council by this Act.
R.S., c.5, s.4
Borrowing powers
5A society or association incorporated under section 3 is hereby empowered to borrow money to meet current indebtedness and to give its promissory note signed by the president and secretary for such amount as the directors may authorize.
R.S., c.5, s.5
6The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may, by Order in Council, make and prescribe orders, rules and regulations relating to
(a) the organization and incorporation of the societies and associations, and the granting, suspending and revoking of letters patent of incorporation and of supplementary letters patent;
(b) the division or sub-division of the Province into agricultural districts;
(c) the assignment of districts or sub-districts to any society or association;
(d) the objects and purposes of the societies and associations, the conditions of membership therein, the payment of annual dues and subscriptions, the officers thereof, their election, their duties and the security to be given by them, the expenditure of the societies or associations’ funds, the mode and purposes for which same may be made, the holding of exhibitions, the keeping of the accounts, the mode of reporting the transactions of the societies or associations to the Minister and the acquiring and holding of lands for society or association purposes including the erection of buildings;
(e) the payment of provincial grants to societies or associations, the mode and purposes for which the same may be expended;
(f) generally but not to be restricted by reason of the particularity of the above paragraphs, all matters relating to societies and associations and the government thereof, and the administration of the laws relating to agriculture within the Province.
R.S., c.5, s.6
N.B. This Act is consolidated to September 1, 2011.