Lois et règlements

L-3.1 - Legislative Library Act

Texte intégral
Abrogée le 1er septembre 2011
Legislative Library Act
Assented to June 24, 1976
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows:
Repealed: R.S.N.B. 2011, Schedule A
1In this Act
“department” includes(ministère)
(a) the departments as defined under the Financial Administration Act,
(b) any board, commission, task force, Crown Corporation or other agency of the Province,
(c) the Office of the Legislative Assembly, and
(d) any court established by the Province;
“Deputy” Repealed: 1985, c.56, s.1
“Director” means the Director of the Legislative Library appointed pursuant to section 4;(directeur)
“document” means any publication of any kind reproduced by printing or any other graphic process, including phonographic and photographic and cinematographic processes;(document)
“government publication” means any document prepared by or for a department and reproduced for distribution or sale outside the government;(publication officielle)
“Minister” Repealed: 1985, c.56, s.1
1983, c.30, s.19; 1985, c.56, s.1
Administration of Act
2The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly is responsible for the administration of this Act.
1985, c.56, s.2; 2007, c.30, s.23
Operation of Legislative Library
3(1)The Legislative Library shall operate primarily for the use of the members of the Legislative Assembly and the members of departments in order that they may better serve the people of New Brunswick.
Acquisition of publications
3(2)The Legislative Library may acquire by gift, bequest, loan or purchase any book, periodical, newspaper, film or any publication that may serve the members of the Legislative Assembly or the departments in the performance of their duties.
Appointment of Director
4The Legislative Administration Committee shall appoint a Director.
1985, c.56, s.3
Official library for New Brunswick government publications
5(1)The Legislative Library is designated as the official library for the deposit of New Brunswick government publications.
5(2)The Queen’s Printer shall deposit with the Legislative Library four copies of every government publication printed by him.
5(3)Subject to the government publications deposited by the Queen’s Printer, all departments shall deposit with the Legislative Library four copies of every government publication printed by it or under its authority within thirty days after its printing.
5(4)The Director may, in his discretion, exempt any department or the Queen’s Printer from depositing certain government publications.
Official exchange library for the Province of New Brunswick
6The Legislative Library is designated as the official exchange library for the Province of New Brunswick and is responsible for the collecting of government publications from the depositing of government publications with the Library of Parliament, the National Library, the Library of Congress and any other library with which exchange agreements are made.
Duties of Legislative Administrative Committee
7The Legislative Administration Committee shall have the direction and control of the Legislative Library.
1985, c.56, s.4
8Repealed: 1985, c.56, s.5
1985, c.56, s.5
Committee may establish policies
9The Legislative Administration Committee may establish policies
(a) respecting the collecting and acquiring of government publications; and
(b) generally for the better administration of this Act.
1985, c.56, s.6
10This Act or any provision thereof comes into force on a day to be fixed by proclamation.
N.B. This Act was proclaimed and came into force June 12, 1980.
N.B. This Act is consolidated to September 1, 2011.