Lois et règlements

N-8 - New Brunswick Transportation Authority Act

Texte intégral
Abrogée le 10 février 2015
New Brunswick
Transportation Authority Act
Repealed: R.S.N.B. 2014, Schedule A.
1In this Act
“Authority” means the New Brunswick Transportation Authority established by this Act;(Régie)
“Minister” means the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure and includes any person designated by the Minister to act on the Minister’s behalf;(Ministre)
“transportation terminal” means an establishment or undertaking operated for the transportation of people or goods by any means, and includes all land, structures and equipment that form part of the establishment or are used in the undertaking.(gare routière)
1972, c.11, s.1; 1976, c.42, s.1; 2010, c.31, s.99
Administration by Minister
2The Minister is responsible for the administration of this Act and may designate persons to act on his behalf.
1972, c.11, s.2
Establishment and composition of Authority
3(1)There shall be a body corporate known as the New Brunswick Transportation Authority composed of not less than five and not more than nine members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.
3(2)The members of the Authority shall be appointed for a term of three years and are eligible for re-appointment.
3(3)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall appoint a member to be the chairman of the Authority and a member to be vice-chairman.
3(4)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may authorize the payment of an honorarium to members, and may fix the rate for reimbursement of expenses incurred by members while acting on behalf of the Authority.
1972, c.11, s.3
Purposes of Authority
4The purposes of the Authority, whether acting alone or in conjunction with others, are
(a) to promote, develop, maintain, operate and manage transportation terminals in the Province,
(b) to develop and encourage the development of services associated with transportation terminals, and
(c) to carry out any directions given by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council with respect to transportation terminals and services.
1972, c.11, s.4
Powers of the Authority
5In carrying out its purposes the Authority may
(a) acquire, deal in and dispose of personal property,
(b) with the consent of the Minister, acquire, deal in and convey real property, and
(c) enter into contracts.
1972, c.11, s.5
Authority as Crown agent
6The Authority is an agent of the Crown.
1972, c.11, s.6
By-laws of Authority
7The Authority may make by-laws governing the administration of the Authority.
1972, c.11, s.7
Rates and fees respecting use of transportation terminals
8The Authority may establish rates and charge fees for the use of transportation terminals under its control and for services associated therewith.
1972, c.11, s.8
Annual reports of Authority
9The Minister shall prepare and table at each session of the Legislature a report of the activities of the Authority.
1972, c.11, s.9
10The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) governing the development, construction, operation and use of transportation terminals under the control of the Authority and services associated therewith; and
(b) prescribing that a violation of a regulation is an offence and prescribing the penalties, not exceeding one hundred dollars, that may be imposed upon conviction for an offence.
1972, c.11, s.10; 1990, c.61, s.93
N.B. This Act is consolidated to February 9, 2015.