Lois et règlements

Q-3.5 - Queen’s Printer Act

Texte intégral
Abrogée le 1er septembre 2011
Queen’s Printer Act
Assented to June 3, 2005
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows:
Repealed: R.S.N.B. 2011, Schedule A
Definition of “publish”
1In this Act, “publish” means to make public by or through any media.
2The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall appoint a person as Queen’s Printer for the Province.
3(1)The Queen’s Printer, under the direction of the Attorney General, shall perform the duties that are assigned to the Queen’s Printer by law or by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council.
3(2)The Queen’s Printer shall publish the Acts of New Brunswick, the regulations of New Brunswick and The Royal Gazette.
Certified copies of Acts
4The Clerk of the Legislative Assembly shall provide the Queen’s Printer with a certified copy of each Act of the Legislature as soon as the Act has received assent.
Distribution and sale
5Copies of Acts, regulations and The Royal Gazette may be distributed or sold by the Queen’s Printer.
6(1)The Queen’s Printer may maintain a consolidation of the Acts of New Brunswick and a consolidation of the regulations of New Brunswick.
6(2)In maintaining a consolidation of the Acts or regulations, the Queen’s Printer may make changes respecting form and style and respecting typographical errors without changing the substance of any Act or regulation.
6(3)The Queen’s Printer may publish the consolidated Acts or consolidated regulations in the frequency that the Queen’s Printer considers appropriate.
6(4)A consolidated Act does not operate as new law but shall be interpreted as a consolidation of the law contained in the original Act and any subsequent amendments.
6(5)A consolidated regulation does not operate as new law but shall be interpreted as a consolidation of the law contained in the original regulation and any subsequent amendments.
6(6)In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated Act published by the Queen’s Printer and the original Act or a subsequent amendment, the original Act or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
6(7)In the event of an inconsistency between a consolidated regulation published by the Queen’s Printer and the original regulation or a subsequent amendment, the original regulation or amendment prevails to the extent of the inconsistency.
Publication in The Royal Gazette
7(1)Publication of proclamations, of official notices, and of all such matters as are from time to time ordered by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to be published, shall be made in The Royal Gazette.
7(2)All advertisements, notices or documents that by any Act or law in force in the Province are required to be published or given by the government of the Province, a department or agency of the government of the Province, a sheriff, a municipal or other local authority, an officer, a person or a party shall be published or given in The Royal Gazette unless some other mode of publishing or giving them is directed by law.
8(1)The Queen’s Printer may designate persons to act on behalf of the Queen’s Printer.
8(2)Without limiting subsection (1), the Queen’s Printer may, in writing, delegate to a Minister of the Crown or the head of a corporation that is an agent of Her Majesty in right of the Province the authority under section 5 to distribute or sell copies of Acts, regulations or The Royal Gazette.
8(3)The Queen’s Printer shall, in a written delegation under this section,
(a) establish the manner in which the delegate is to exercise the delegated authority,
(b) set out any limitations, terms, conditions and requirements that the Queen’s Printer considers appropriate to impose on the delegate, and
(c) authorize the delegate to subdelegate the authority to an employee of the department or corporation administered by that delegate and to impose on the subdelegate any limitations, terms, conditions and requirements that the delegate considers appropriate, in addition to those set out in the Queen’s Printer’s written delegation.
8(4)A delegate or subdelegate to whom this section applies shall exercise the delegated authority in the manner established in the Queen’s Printer’s written delegation and in accordance with any limitations, terms, conditions and requirements imposed in the written delegation.
8(5)A subdelegate to whom this section applies shall exercise the delegated authority in accordance with any limitations, terms, conditions and requirements imposed on the subdelegate by the delegate.
9The Attorney General is responsible for the administration of this Act.
10The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) prescribing charges to be paid for the purchase of copies of Acts, regulations and The Royal Gazette and for the purchase of related materials;
(b) prescribing charges to be paid for the publication in The Royal Gazette of
(i) proclamations,
(ii) official and other notices,
(iii) advertisements,
(iv) documents, and
(v) matters from time to time ordered by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council to be published;
(c) prescribing fees to be charged for services provided by the office of the Queen’s Printer to any person.
11The person appointed under section 1 of the Queen’s Printer Act, chapter Q-3 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, as the acting Queen’s Printer by virtue of Order in Council 2001-506 shall be deemed on the commencement of this section to have been appointed under section 2 of this Act as the acting Queen’s Printer.
Control of Municipalities Act
12Section 36 of the French version of the Control of Municipalities Act, chapter C-20 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended by striking out “doit être inséré” and substituting “doit être donné”.
Co-operative Associations Act
13Subsection 43(4) of the French version of the Co-operative Associations Act, chapter C-22.1 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1978, is amended by striking out “devra être inséré” and substituting“devra être publié”.
Corporations Act
14(1)Subsection 8(2) of the French version of the Corporations Act, chapter C-24 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended by striking out “insérée” and substituting“publiée”.
14(2)Section 11 of the English version of the Act is amended by striking out “production of The Royal Gazette” and substituting “production of a copy of The Royal Gazette.
Corrupt Practices Inquiries Act
15Section 8 of the French version of the Corrupt Practices Inquiries Act, chapter C-27 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended
(a) in subsection (1) by striking out “par insertion” and substituting “par la publication”;
(b) in subsection (2) by striking out “l’insertion” and substituting “la publication”.
Evidence Act
16(1)Paragraph 63(1)(b) of the Evidence Act, chapter E-11 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended by striking out “printed” and substituting “published or printed”.
16(2)Paragraph 64(b) of the Act is amended by striking out “printed” and substituting “published or printed”.
16(3)Section 67 of the Act is repealed and the following is substituted:
67All copies of official and other notices, advertisements and documents published or printed in the Canada Gazette or in The Royal Gazette, and all matters contained in the appendix to a volume of the Acts of the Legislature purporting to be published or printed by or by the authority of the Queen’s Printer, are prima facie evidence of the originals, and of the contents thereof.
Health Act
17Subsection 12(2) of the Health Act, chapter H-2 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended by striking out “inserted in an issue of” and substituting “published in”.
Interpretation Act
18(1)Section 16 of the Interpretation Act, chapter I-13 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended by striking out “printed” and substituting “that appear”.
18(2)Section 35 of the English version of the Act is amended by striking out “printed” and substituting “published”.
Public Health Act
19Subsection 26(7) of the Public Health Act, chapter P-22.4 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1998, is amended by striking out “inserted in an issue of” and substituting “published in”.
Regulations Act
20(1)Section 6 of the Regulations Act, chapter R-7.1 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1991, is repealed.
20(2)Section 7 of the Act shall be amended by striking out “printed” and substituting“published”.
Sale of Lands Publication Act
21Section 1 of the Sale of Lands Publication Act, chapter S-2 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended
(a) in the portion preceding paragraph (1)(e) by striking out “inserted in one regular issue” and substituting “published in one regular issue”;
(b) in subsection (4) by striking out “inserted” and substituting “published”.
Winding-up Act
22Section 7 of the Winding-up Act, chapter W-10 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended
(a) in subsection (1) by striking out “inserting an advertisement once in The Royal Gazette and twice in a newspaper published” and substituting “publishing an advertisement once in The Royal Gazette and inserting an advertisement twice in a newspaper published”;
(b) in subsection (3) by striking out “production of The Royal Gazette with the notice inserted” and substituting “production of a copy of The Royal Gazette with the notice published”.
Woodsmen’s Lien Act
23Subsection 14(3) of the French version of the Woodmen’s Lien Act, chapter W-12 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is amended by striking out “insérée” and substituting“publiée”.
24(1)The Queen’s Printer Act, chapter Q-3 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, is repealed.
24(2)Any Order in Council made under the Queen’s Printer Act, chapter Q-3 of the Revised Statutes, 1973, and in force immediately before the commencement of this section is revoked.
25This Act or any provision of it comes into force on a day or days to be fixed by proclamation.
N.B. This Act was proclaimed and came into force June 30, 2005.
N.B. This Act is consolidated to September 1, 2011.