Lois et règlements

2008-26 - General

Texte intégral
under the
Municipal Elections Act
(O.C. 2008-85)
Filed March 3, 2008
Under section 57 of the Municipal Elections Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Regulation:
1This Regulation may be cited as the General Regulation - Municipal Elections Act.
2The oath of the Municipal Electoral Officer shall be on Form 1 and the oath of an Assistant Municipal Electoral Officer shall be on Form 2.
3When a notice is required under the Municipal Elections Act, it is sufficient if it is published
(a) in one or more newspapers published in the municipality or rural community, or
(b) in one or more newspapers having general circulation in the municipality or rural community.
4Where the signature of the Municipal Electoral Officer, a Assistant Municipal Electoral Officer or a municipal returning officer is required, a facsimile of that person’s signature is sufficient.
Fees and expenses
5The scale of fees and expenses for the purposes of the Act is as follows:
Fees and
(a)for rental of an office as a municipal returning officer’s office for the pending election in the electoral region, the amount actually and reasonably incurred, as supported by original receipts or invoices
(b)for polling stations
(i)for an ordinary polling station, in a building or part of a building, including heat, light and cleaning services, per polling division
(with $250.00 
(ii)for an advance poll where vote-counting equipment is not used to count the ballots, for the use of a building or part of a building, including heat, light and cleaning services, as an advance polling station, for each day that the advance poll is open
(iii)for an advance poll where vote-counting equipment is used to count the ballots, for the use of a building or part of a building, including heat, light and cleaning services, as an advance polling station, for each vote-counting machine used at the location, for each day that the advance poll is open
(iv)for each mobile polling station, including heat, light, cleaning services and attendance by a staff member of the facility
(c)for each municipal returning officer who is not an employee as defined in the Civil Service Act
(i)subject to subparagraphs (ii) and (iii), for all services rendered, per hour
(ii)for attending an instructional seminar, per day
(iii)for attendance on recount, for each day as certified by the judge
(d)for each election clerk
(i)for services when actually employed in the conduct of the election, per hour
(ii)for attendance on recount, for each day as certified by the judge
(iii)for attending an instructional seminar, per day
(e)for each training officer
(i)for services when actually employed in preparation for and the conduct of training sessions for election workers, per hour
(ii)for attending an instructional seminar, per day
(f)for necessary printing ordered by the Municipal Electoral Officer or a municipal returning officer, the expenses actually and reasonably incurred, with each account to be prepared by the printer, certified when applicable by the Municipal Electoral Officer or municipal returning officer, and accompanied by a sample of work done
(g)for stationery, postage, registered mail, rental of computers and election-related equipment, software or other license fees and service charges, office furniture rental, installation of telephones and services, long distance calls, cartage of election supplies, rental of a meeting hall for instruction to election officers when necessary and other incidentals necessary in conducting an election, the amount actually and reasonably incurred, as supported by original receipts or invoices  
(h)for each poll official at an ordinary or advance poll or a mobile poll, other than a poll supervisor:
(i)for all services, including attendance on the designated polling day, per day
(ii)for attending an instructional seminar, whether or not the person is scheduled to work an ordinary polling day or an advance polling day
(i)for each poll supervisor
(i)all services at an ordinary or advance poll, including attendance on polling day, per day
(ii)for attending an instructional seminar for poll supervisors
(j)for each special ballot officer, for services when actually employed in the conduct of the election, per hour
(k)for each casual employee employed in a municipal returning office, including secretary-receptionists, data entry workers, office revision workers, and technical support officers, for services rendered not otherwise specified, per hour
(l)for a training officer, municipal returning officer or any other election officer required by a municipal returning officer to use his or her vehicle to travel for election purposes, a travel allowance at the same rate as the rate paid to persons employed in the public service as determined by the Board of Management under the Financial Administration Act 
(m)for a training officer, municipal returning officer or any other election officer required by the Municipal Electoral Officer or a municipal returning officer to travel for election purposes by means other than a personal motor vehicle, travel and living expenses actually and reasonably incurred, supported by original receipts or invoices
(n)for a copy of part or all of a voters list provided to a candidate, per name on the list
(o)for costs in respect of a recount by a judge of The Court of Queen’s Bench of New Brunswick, an amount determined by the judge, not exceeding
(p)for all services and expenditures not specifically provided for, the amount as allowed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council
Appointment to more than one position
6Where a person is appointed to more than one poll official position for the same polling day, the person shall be paid only for one appointment, and if there is a different rate applicable to the different positions, the person shall be paid at the higher rate.
7New Brunswick Regulation 98-10 under the Municipal Elections Act is repealed.
N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to March 3, 2008.