Lois et règlements

2009-141 - Health Regions

Texte intégral
under the
Public Health Act
(O.C. 2009-460)
Filed November 20, 2009
Under section 68 of the Public Health Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Regulation:
1This Regulation may be cited as the Health Regions Regulation - Public Health Act.
Health regions
2The following health regions are established for the purposes of the Public Health Act:
(a) Region 1 - Kent County, excluding the portion of the village of Rogersville lying in Kent County; Albert County; Westmorland County; the community of Rogersville-est lying in Northumberland County;
(b) Region 2 - Charlotte County; Saint John County; Kings County; the parishes of Petersville, Hampstead, Wickham, Brunswick and Johnston in Queens County, but excluding the portion of the Village of Cambridge Narrows lying in the parish of Johnston;
(c) Region 3 - Queens County, excluding the parishes of Petersville, Hampstead, Wickham, Brunswick and Johnston, but including that portion of the Village of Cambridge Narrows lying in the parish of Johnston; Victoria County, excluding the parishes of Drummond and Grand Falls, but including the portion of the parish of Drummond lying southeast of Salmon River; Carleton County; York County; Sunbury County; the parishes of Ludlow and Blissfield in Northumberland County;
(d) Region 4 - Restigouche County, excluding the parishes of Grimmer and Saint-Quentin; the portion of the village of Belledune lying in Gloucester County;
(e) Region 5 - Madawaska County; the parishes of Drummond and Grand Falls in Victoria County, but excluding the portion of the parish of Drummond lying southeast of Salmon River; the parishes of Grimmer and Saint-Quentin in Restigouche County;
(f) Region 6 - Gloucester County, excluding the portion of the village of Belledune lying in Gloucester County; and
(g) Region 7 - Northumberland County, excluding the parishes of Ludlow and Blissfield and the portion of the community of Rogersville-est lying in Northumberland County; the portion of the village of Rogersville lying in Kent County.
3This Regulation comes into force on November 20, 2009.