Lois et règlements

2009-157 - Civil Service Act

Texte intégral
under the
Civil Service Act
(O.C. 2009-515)
Filed November 30, 2009
1Section 3 of New Brunswick Regulation 84-230 under the Civil Service Act is amended
(a) in paragraph (a) by striking out “32” and substituting “33”;
(b) in paragraph (b) by striking out “32” and substituting “33”;
(c) in paragraph (c) by striking out “32” and substituting “33”;
(d) in paragraph (d) by striking out “32” and substituting “33”;
(e) in paragraph (e) by striking out “32” and substituting “33”;
(f) in paragraph (f) by striking out “13, 32” and substituting “13”;
(g) by repealing paragraph (h) and substituting the following:
(h) the provisions of subsection 6(1) and sections 13 and 33 of the Act do not apply to term positions with the New Brunswick Community Colleges,
(h) by repealing paragraph (i) and substituting the following:
(i) where a person who has been laid off by the Advisory Council on the Status of Women, Energy Efficiency and Conservation Agency of New Brunswick, Kings Landing Corporation, Service New Brunswick, New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation, New Brunswick Museum or Regional Development Corporation is appointed, within one year after the date of the lay off, to a position in the Civil Service for which the person is, in the opinion of the Deputy Minister of the Office of Human Resources, qualified, the provisions of subsection 6(1) and sections 13 and 33 of the Act do not apply to the person so appointed in relation to the first such appointment in the Civil Service or to the first position in the Civil Service to which the person is appointed,
(i) by repealing paragraph (i.01) and substituting the following:
(i.01) where a person who has been laid off from a portion of the public service specified in Part II, III, or IV of the First Schedule of the Public Service Labour Relations Act or in a portion of the public service under Part I of that Schedule that is not a portion of the Civil Service, is appointed, within one year after the date of the lay off, to a position in the Civil Service for which the person is, in the opinion of the Deputy Minister of the Office of Human Resources, qualified, the provisions of subsection 6(1) and sections 13 and 33 of the Act do not apply to the person so appointed in relation to the first such appointment in the Civil Service or to the first position in the Civil Service to which the person is appointed,
(j) by repealing paragraph (i.02);
(k) in paragraph (j) by striking out “32” and substituting “33”;
(l) in paragraph (k.1) by striking out “32” and substituting “33”;
(m) by repealing paragraph (l) and substituting the following:
(l) where a position in or under a department or other portion of the public service specified in Part II or III of the First Schedule of the Public Service Labour Relations Act or in a portion of the public service under Part I of that Schedule that is not a portion of the Civil Service is transferred to a department or other portion of the Civil Service and where the employee who held the position that was transferred immediately before the transfer is appointed to a position with a comparable classification in the department or other portion of the Civil Service the provisions of subsection 6(1) and sections 13 and 33 of the Act do not apply to the employee so appointed or to the position to which the employee is appointed,
(n) by repealing paragraph (l.1);
(o) by repealing paragraph (l.2);
(p) by repealing paragraph (m) and substituting the following:
(m) the provisions of subsection 6(1) and sections 13 and 33 of the Act do not apply to positions filled by persons who are employees or officers, excluding the Speaker, the Deputy Speaker, the Clerk, the Clerk Assistant, the Official Translator, the Law Clerk, the Official Reporter and the Sergeant-at-Arms, who have been laid off from the Office of the Legislative Assembly,
2This Regulation comes into force on December 1, 2009.