Lois et règlements

2016-62 - Education Act

Texte intégral
under the
Education Act
(O.C. 2016-269)
Filed October 31, 2016
1Section 2 of New Brunswick Regulation 2004-8 under the Education Act is amended by repealing the definition “teacher’s licence”.
2The Regulation is amended by adding after section 8 the following:
References re credit hours
8.1For the purposes of this Regulation and if the context requires it, a reference to a specific number of credit hours includes a reference to the equivalent number of credits in the credit assignment system used by a university in another province of Canada or a territory of Canada or outside of Canada.
3The heading “Certificat d’enseignement IV” preceding section 9 of the French version of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
Certificat d’enseignement 4
4Section 9 of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
9The Minister may issue a teacher’s certificate 4 to
(a) the holder of an approved undergraduate degree in teacher education from a university in the Province with 138 credit hours, of which
(i) 18 credit hours or 18 weeks represent approved practice teaching and 30 credit hours represent courses in approved pedagogical training, and
(ii) 60 credit hours are distributed as follows:
(A) 30 credit hours are in 1 subject and 30 credit hours are in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act; or
(B) 42 credit hours are in 1 or 2 subjects and 18 credit hours are in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act;
(b) a person who
(i) holds an approved undergraduate degree in teacher education from a university in another province of Canada or a territory of Canada with 120 credit hours, and
(ii) holds a valid teacher’s certificate from another province of Canada or a territory of Canada.
5The heading “Certificat d’enseignement V” preceding section 10 of the French version of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
Certificat d’enseignement 5
6Section 10 of the Regulation is amended
(a) by adding before subsection (1) the following:
10(0.1)The following definition applies in this section.
“concurrent program” means
(a) a program leading to an undergraduate degree in teacher education and an undergraduate degree in a discipline other than teacher education, or
(b) a program leading to a combined undergraduate degree in teacher education and another discipline.
(b) in subsection (1)
(i) in the portion preceding paragraph a) of the French version by striking out “certificat d’enseignement V” and substituting “certificat d’enseignement 5”;
(ii) in paragraph (a) in the portion preceding subparagraph (i)
(A) in the French version by striking out “certificat d’enseignement IV” and substituting “certificat d’enseignement 4”;
(B) in the English version by striking out “graduate degree” and substituting “master’s degree”;
(iii) in paragraph (b)
(A) in the portion preceding subparagraph (i)
(I) in the French version by striking out “certificat d’enseignement IV” and substituting “certificat d’enseignement 4”;
(II) in the English version by striking out “graduate degree” and substituting “master’s degree”;
(B) in subparagraph (i) by striking out “pedagogical training” and substituting “approved pedagogical training”;
(iv) in paragraph c) of the French version by striking out “certificat d’enseignement IV” and substituting “certificat d’enseignement 4”;
(v) in paragraph d) of the French version in the portion preceding subparagraph (i) by striking out “certificat d’enseignement IV” and substituting “certificat d’enseignement 4”;
(vi) by repealing paragraph (e) and substituting the following:
(e) to a person who holds the following degrees that together total 168 credit hours:
(i) an approved undergraduate degree, other than an undergraduate degree in teacher education, that includes
(A) 30 credit hours in 1 subject and 30 credit hours in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act, or
(B) 42 credit hours in 1 or 2 subjects and 18 credit hours in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act; and
(ii) an approved undergraduate degree in teacher education from a university in the Province that includes
(A) 15 credit hours or 15 weeks of approved practice teaching, and
(B) 45 credit hours of approved pedagogical training;
(vii) by repealing paragraph (f) and substituting the following:
(f) to a person who completes an approved concurrent program offered by a university in the Province with 168 credit hours if
(i) the studies in the discipline other than teacher education include
(A) 30 credit hours in 1 subject and 30 credit hours in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act, or
(B) 42 credit hours in 1 or 2 subjects and 18 credit hours in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act, and
(ii) the studies in teacher education include
(A) 15 credit hours or 15 weeks of approved practice teaching, and
(B) 45 credit hours of approved pedagogical training;
(viii) by adding after paragraph (f) the following:
(g) to a person who
(i) completes the following training and education totalling 168 credit hours:
(A) approved undergraduate level course work or an approved undergraduate degree, other than an undergraduate degree in teacher education, that includes
(I) 30 credit hours in 1 subject and 30 credit hours in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act, or
(II) 42 credit hours in 1 or 2 subjects and 18 credit hours in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act; and
(B) an approved undergraduate degree in teacher education from a university in another province of Canada or a territory of Canada that includes
(I) 15 credit hours or 15 weeks of approved practice teaching, and
(II) 45 credit hours of approved pedagogical training, and
(ii) holds a valid teacher’s certificate from another province of Canada or a territory of Canada.
(c) by repealing subsection (2).
7The heading “Certificat d’enseignement VI” preceding section 11 of the French version of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
Certificat d’enseignement 6
8Subsection 11(2) of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
11(2)The Minister may issue a teacher’s certificate 6
(a) to a person who holds a teacher’s certificate 5 or meets the requirements for a teacher’s certificate 5, as set out in paragraph 10(1)(e), (f) or (g), and who
(i) completes an approved Master of Education degree with 36 credit hours, of which 30 credit hours are at the 6000 level,
(ii) completes 30 approved credit hours at the 6000 level that, together with the credit hours from the applicant’s undergraduate degree, lead to 1 additional major or 2 additional minors in subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act,
(iii) completes 30 approved credit hours at the 6000 level that, together with the credit hours from the applicant’s undergraduate degree, lead to 1 additional minor in a subject within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act and 9 credit hours in an area of concentration approved in advance by the Minister, or
(iv) holds an approved master’s degree and completes 30 credit hours of approved undergraduate course work;
(b) to a person who holds a teacher’s certificate 4 or meets the requirements for a teacher’s certificate 4, as set out in paragraph 9(a) or (b), and who
(i) completes an approved master’s degree in teacher education with 72 credit hours
(A) that, in the first year, includes
(I) 6 credit hours in approved pedagogical training,
(II) 12 credit hours in the applicant’s area of undergraduate degree specialization, and
(III) 18 credit hours in 1 or 2 subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act, and
(B) that, in the second year, includes
(I) a thesis and 18 credit hours,
(II) a report and 30 credit hours, or
(III) 36 credit hours, or
(ii) completes a master’s degree, other than a master’s degree in teacher education, with 72 credit hours that includes
(A) a thesis and 18 credit hours in 1 subject within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act, or
(B) a report and 30 credit hours in 1 subject within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act.
9Section 12 of the Regulation is amended
(a) by repealing subsection (2) and substituting the following:
12(2)An interim teacher’s certificate
(a) is valid for four years from the date of issue,
(b) may be renewed by the Minister for additional periods of not more than four years each in accordance with subsection (11),
(c) may be converted to a teacher’s certificate in accordance with subsection 13(1), and
(d) is subject to any conditions the Minister imposes.
(b) by repealing subsection (3) and substituting the following:
12(3)The Minister may issue an interim teacher’s certificate 4
(a) to a person who
(i) holds an approved undergraduate degree in teacher education from a university outside Canada with 138 credit hours, of which
(A) 18 credit hours or 18 weeks represent approved practice teaching and 30 credit hours represent courses in approved pedagogical training, and
(B) 60 credit hours are distributed as follows:
(I) 30 credit hours are in 1 subject and 30 credit hours are in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act; or
(II) 42 credit hours are in 1 or 2 subjects and 18 credit hours are in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act, and
(ii) holds a valid teacher’s certificate from the jurisdiction in which he or she attained his or her undergraduate degree in teacher education;
(b) to a person who
(i) has specialized training, education or experience in fields of study specified by the Minister, and
(ii) has completed the courses and training specified by the Minister.
(c) by repealing subsection (4) and substituting the following:
12(4)The Minister may issue an interim teacher’s certificate 5 to a person who
(a) completes the following training and education totalling 168 credit hours:
(i) approved undergraduate level course work or an approved undergraduate degree, other than an undergraduate degree in teacher education, from a university outside Canada that includes
(A) 30 credit hours in 1 subject and 30 credit hours in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act, or
(B) 42 credit hours in 1 or 2 subjects and 18 credit hours in other subjects within the programs approved under paragraph 6(b) of the Act; and
(ii) an approved undergraduate degree in teacher education from a university outside Canada that includes
(A) 15 credit hours or 15 weeks of approved practice teaching, and
(B) 45 credit hours of approved pedagogical training, and
(b) holds a valid teacher’s certificate from the jurisdiction in which he or she attained his or her undergraduate degree in teacher education.
(d) in subsection (6) of the French version by striking out “certificat d’enseignement provisoire VI” wherever it appears and substituting “certificat d’enseignement provisoire 6”;
(e) in subsection (7) of the French version by striking out “certificat d’enseignement provisoire IV, V, ou VI” and substituting “certificat d’enseignement provisoire 4, 5 ou 6”;
(f) by repealing subsection (8) and substituting the following:
12(8)The Minister shall attach a letter to the interim teacher’s certificate setting out any conditions imposed under paragraph (2)(d).
(g) by repealing subsection (9);
(h) by repealing subsection (10);
(i) by repealing subsection (11) and substituting the following:
12(11)The Minister may renew an interim teacher’s certificate for additional periods of not more than four years each if the person continues to meet the conditions, if any, imposed under paragraph (2)(d).
(j) by repealing subsection (12).
10Subsection 13(1) of the Regulation is amended
(a) by striking out the portion preceding paragraph (a) and substituting the following:
13(1)Subject to subsection (2), the Minister may convert an interim teacher’s certificate to a teacher’s certificate if the holder of the interim teacher’s certificate
(b) by repealing paragraph (a) and substituting the following:
(a) has fulfilled any conditions imposed under paragraph 12(2)(d), and
11Section 15 of the French version of the Regulation is amended by striking out “certificat d’enseignement V or VI ou d’un certificat d’enseignement provisoire V ou VI” and substituting “certificat d’enseignement 5 or 6 ou d’un certificat d’enseignement provisoire 5 ou 6”.
12Subsection 16(3) of the Regulation is repealed.
13Section 17 of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
Application procedure
17(1)A person may apply to the Minister for a certificate by submitting to the Minister a completed application in the form provided by the Minister together with the relevant supporting documentation.
17(2)If the Minister receives an application for a certificate between April 1 and October 31, inclusive, of a calendar year from a person who has completed the academic and professional requirements for the certificate before September 1 of that calendar year, the certificate issued by the Minister shall be dated July 2 of that same calendar year.
17(3)If the Minister receives an application for a certificate between November 1 and March 31, inclusive, of a school year from a person who has completed the academic and professional requirements for the certificate before January 1 of that school year, the certificate issued by the Minister shall be dated January 2 of that same school year.
17(4)For greater certainty, no certificate shall be issued before the date on which the applicant completed the academic and professional requirements for the certificate, but a certificate may, as a result of the application of subsection (2) or (3), bear a date that is before the date of its issuance.
14Section 18 of the Regulation is amended by adding after paragraph (a) the following:
(a.1) application for an initial teacher’s certificate by a person who received his or her teacher education within Canada but outside of New Brunswick, $120;