Lois et règlements

2016-71 - Beverage Containers Act

Texte intégral
under the
Beverage Containers Act
(O.C. 2016-294)
Filed December 14, 2016
1Section 7 of New Brunswick Regulation 99-66 under the Beverage Containers Act is amended
(a) in paragraph (1)(b) by striking out “with its removable cap removed,”;
(b) by repealing paragraph (4)(b) and substituting the following:
(b) empty recyclable beverage containers that are collected by one or more agents of distributors are sorted according to colour and material into
(i) not more than 16 different sorts for alcoholic beverages and not more than 16 different sorts for non-alcoholic beverages, if the containers of alcoholic beverages and the containers of non-alcoholic beverages are collected by different agents, and
(ii) not more than 16 different sorts for both alcoholic beverages and non-alcoholic beverages combined, if the containers of alcoholic beverages and the containers of non-alcoholic beverages are collected by the same agent; and
2Subsection 15(2) of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
15(2)Following a request under subsection 15(1) of the Act, an agent of one or more distributors shall collect empty beverage containers if the holder or the agent of the holder of a licence has possession of
(a) one or more of the following amounts of recyclable beverage containers:
(i) five thousand alcoholic beverage containers;
(ii) ten thousand non-alcoholic beverage containers; or
(iii) ten thousand alcoholic beverage containers and non-alcoholic beverage containers combined; or
(b) fifty-five thousand refillable beer containers.
3Section 17 of the Regulation is repealed and the following is substituted:
17For the purposes of subsection 15(3) of the Act, the amount of the handling fee is
(a) from December 1, 2011, to December 11, 2016, inclusive, $0.02899 for each empty refillable beer container and $0.04059 for all other empty beverage containers,
(b) from December 12, 2016, to March 31, 2017, inclusive, $0.03044 for each empty refillable beer container and $0.04262 for all other empty beverage containers, and
(c) on and after April 1, 2017, $0.03120 for each empty refillable beer container and $0.04368 for all other empty beverage containers.