Lois et règlements

84-159 - Dairy Products

Texte intégral
under the
Natural Products Grades Act
(O.C. 84-547)
Filed July 5, 1984
Under section 2 of the Natural Products Grades Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Regulation:
1This Regulation may be cited as the Dairy Products Regulation - Natural Products Grades Act.
2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Natural Products Grades Act;
Canada Dairy Products Act means the Canada Dairy Products Act, chapter D-1 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970;
“creamery” means a place licensed or approved under the laws of the Province for the manufacture of butter;
“creamery butter” means butter manufactured in a creamery;
“dairy butter” means butter, other than whey butter, made on a farm or at a place not licensed or approved as a creamery under the laws of the Province;
“dairy product” means milk, cream, butter, cheese, condensed milk, evaporated milk, milk powder, dry milk, ice cream, malted milk, sherbet or any other product manufactured wholly or mainly from milk;
“fat” means any fat or oil, whether of animal, vegetable, marine or mineral origin;
“foreign substance” means any substance that is not necessary for the manufacture of the dairy product into which it is introduced;
“grade name” means a grade name established by the Canada Dairy Products Act and the regulations made thereunder;
“ice cream” includes
(a) an unfrozen mixture from which ice cream is made, herein referred to as “ice cream mix”,
(b) a frozen or semi-frozen product composed of fruit juices, water, sugar, flavouring, stabilizer and milk or milk products, herein referred to as “sherbet”,
(c) a dairy product frozen while quiescent and sold on a stick, herein referred to as “fudge stick”,
(d) any other frozen or semi-frozen products manufactured wholly or partly from milk and made in imitation or semblance of ice cream, and
(e) an unfrozen mixture from which ice milk is made, herein referred to as “ice milk mix”;
“package” means a receptacle or covering used for the packing, wrapping or covering of a dairy product;
“package cheese” means process cheese or the product resulting from the comminuting and mixing of one or more lots of cheese without the aid of heat or emulsifying agents;
“process cheese” means the food product produced by comminuting and mixing one or more lots of cheese with the aid of heat and emulsifying agents into a homogeneous mass;
“renovated butter” or “process butter” means any butter that has been malted, clarified or refined and remanufactured into butter;
“whey butter” means butter made from milk fat that has been recovered from whey.
3Every manufacturer of a dairy product shall keep records as required by the Minister, which shall be available at any reasonable time for examination by any inspector.
4No person shall sell, supply or send
(a) any milk diluted with water or in any way adulterated, any milk to which cream has been added or any milk or cream to which any foreign fat, colouring matter, preservative or chemical substance of any kind has been added,
(b) any milk from which any portion of that part of the milk known as strippings has been retained, or
(c) any milk taken or drawn from a cow which is diseased at the time of milking
to any cheese, butter, condensed milk, milk powder or casein manufacturing plant, any milk or cream shipping station, any milk bottling establishment or other premises where milk or cream is collected for sale or shipment, or the owner or manager thereof, or any maker of butter, cheese, condensed milk, milk powder or casein.
5No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale any dairy product which contains any fat or oil, other than that of milk or cream.
6No person shall by himself, his employee or agent incorporate or place any foreign substance in any dairy product during or after the manufacture of the dairy product, except vitamins and other substances which comply with the Food and Drugs Act, chapter F-27 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970, and are approved by the Department of Health and the Department of Agriculture and Aquaculture.
2000, c.26, s.220; 2006, c.16, s.122; 2007, c.10, s.63
7No person shall make any false, misleading or exaggerated claim in any advertisement of any dairy product or upon the package or container containing a dairy product.
8No person shall sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale
(a) any butter containing over sixteen percent by weight of water or less than eighty percent by weight of milk fat, or
(b) any renovated butter or process butter.
9No person shall manufacture any butter containing over sixteen percent of water or less than eighty percent of milk fat.
10No person shall sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale
(a) any butter moulded or cut into prints, blocks, squares or pats, unless such prints, blocks, squares or pats are of the full net weight of one-quarter pound, one-half pound, one pound or multiples thereof, except nothing in this paragraph shall apply to butter in rolls or lumps of indiscriminate weight which are manufactured by individual farmers from the milk from their own cows and sold by those individual farmers,
(b) any butter packed in tins or packages alleged to contain any definite weight of butter, unless such package contains the full net weight of butter as alleged, exclusive of the weight of the tin or package and of any paper, brine or other filling, or
(c) any butter packed in used boxes without first removing all former branding, including the province of origin if other than New Brunswick, and re-marking each box with the registration number of the factory of origin, churning number and date of manufacture, using the size of type required by the Canada Dairy Products Act and the regulations made thereunder.
11Every manufacturer of creamery butter shall use the grade names established for creamery butter.
12Every person who advertises creamery butter for sale or who places a placard upon creamery butter for the purpose of promoting sales in the Province shall include in or on the advertisement or placard the grade name of the butter.
13No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale any dairy butter or whey butter unless it
(a) complies with the standards of composition,
(b) is produced in accordance with the conditions, and
(c) is packed and marked in the manner
prescribed for dairy butter or whey butter in this Regulation.
14Every person who advertises dairy butter or whey butter for sale or who places a placard upon dairy butter or whey butter for the purpose of promoting sales shall use the words “dairy butter” or “whey butter”, as the case may be, to describe such dairy product.
15Dairy butter shall contain:
(a) not more than sixteen percent by weight of water;
(b) not less than eighty percent by weight of milk fat; and
(c) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
16Whey butter shall contain:
(a) not more than sixteen percent by weight of water;
(b) not less than eighty percent by weight of milk fat;
(c) no fat or oil, other than that of milk; and
(d) no milk, creamery butter, dairy butter or cream separated from milk.
17Every package of dairy butter or whey butter shall be of the full net weight of one-quarter pound, one-half pound, one pound or multiples thereof when
(a) moulded or cut into prints, blocks, squares or pats, and
(b) packed in tins or other packages.
18Every package of dairy butter or whey butter described in section 17 shall be legibly and indelibly marked with
(a) a statement of the net weight of the contents expressed in pounds or fractions of a pound, and
(b) the name and address of the factory of origin, manufacturer, cutter, jobber or the wholesale or retail dealer.
19Every package of whey butter described in section 17 shall be marked on the main panel of the wrapper or carton with the words “whey butter” in size of type that is
(a) not less than twelve point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing less than one pound, and
(b) not less than twenty-four point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing one pound or more.
20Every package of whey butter, other than a package described in section 17, shall be marked on the side thereof with
(a) a registered number issued by the Minister, in the proper form and size,
(b) the words “whey butter”,
(c) the date of manufacture, indicating the day and month, for example “21/1”, and
(d) a churning number, such churning numbers to run consecutively throughout the calendar year, commencing with the number one,
in size of type that is not less than twenty-four point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing less than twenty-five pounds and not less than sixty point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing twenty-five pounds or more.
21(1)Every package of dairy butter described in section 17 shall be marked on the main panel with the words “dairy butter”, in size of type that is
(a) not less than twelve point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing less than one pound, and
(b) not less than twenty-four point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing one pound or more.
21(2)Every package of dairy butter similar to those used for the packing of creamery butter shall be marked on the side with the words “dairy butter”.
21(3)Every package of dairy butter consisting of a mixture of creamery butter and dairy butter shall be marked with the words “dairy butter”.
21(4)Type used for the marks required by subsections (2) and (3) shall be not less than twenty-four point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing less than twenty-five pounds and not less than sixty point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing twenty-five pounds or more.
22No person shall
(a) incorporate in a new cheese, during the process of manufacture, any inferior curd or cheese, or
(b) sell, offer, expose or have in his possession for sale any cheese in which has been incorporated, during the process of manufacture, any inferior curd or cheese.
23(1)No person shall manufacture, sell, offer or have in his possession for sale any package cheese unless such package contains cheese of the full net weight of one-quarter pound, one-half pound, one pound or multiples thereof.
23(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to
(a) portions of cheddar or other unprocessed cheese of indiscriminate weight cut from loaves or bricks having an initial weight of not less than five pounds, or
(b) cheese of indiscriminate weight manufactured by individual farmers from the milk from their own cows and sold by them.
24Every person who advertises skim milk cheese for sale or who places a placard upon skim milk cheese for the purpose of promoting sales in the Province shall use the words “skim milk cheese” in or on the advertisement or placard.
25No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale cheddar cheese or washed curd cheddar cheese unless it is graded, marked and packed in accordance with the provisions of the Canada Dairy Products Act and the regulations made thereunder.
26No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale cheese, other than cheddar cheese or washed curd cheddar cheese, including cream cheese, process cheese, also known as emulsified cheese, skim milk process cheese, Swiss cheese, also known as Emmenthaler cheese, Gouda cheese and granular or stirred curd cheese unless such cheese
(a) complies with the standards of composition,
(b) is processed in accordance with the conditions, and
(c) is packed and marked in the manner
prescribed for such cheese in this Regulation.
27Cheese shall be made by coagulating the casein of milk, skim milk or cream, or any mixture thereof, with rennet, lactic acid or any suitable enzyme or acid and with or without further processing or the addition of other wholesome ingredients, such as fresh milk solids, ripening ferments, special moulds, emulsifying agents, seasoning or colouring matter, but fat or oil, other than that of milk, shall not be used.
28(1)Cream cheese shall be made from curd obtained from the action of lactic fermentation or rennet, or both, on cream or milk to which cream has been added and the curd, heated or unheated, salted or unsalted, shall be drained by gravity and light pressure or by any other approved methods.
28(2)Cream cheese shall contain:
(a) not more than fifty-five percent by weight of water; and
(b) on a dry basis, not less than sixty-five percent of milk fat.
29Process cheese or emulsified cheese may contain added water, solids derived from milk, permitted preservatives, food colouring, seasoning, relishes and condiments and the finished product shall contain, if manufactured from
(a) a cheddar cheese base, not more than forty-three percent of water and, on a dry basis, not less than forty-eight percent of milk fat,
(b) a cream cheese base without the addition of seasoning, relishes or condiments, not more than fifty-five percent of water and, on a dry basis, not less than sixty-five percent of milk fat,
(c) a cream cheese base with the addition of seasoning, relishes or condiments, not more than sixty percent of water and, on a dry basis, not less than fifty percent of milk fat, or
(d) other than a cream cheese base, not more than forty-three percent of water and, on a dry basis, not less than forty-eight percent of milk fat.
30Skim milk process cheese or skim milk emulsified cheese shall meet the requirements of process cheese, except that on a dry basis it shall contain less than forty-eight percent of milk fat and not more than forty-three percent of water.
31Skim milk cheese shall be cheese which
(a) contains, on a dry basis, less than forty-eight percent of milk fat,
(b) is made from or by the use of skimmed milk,
(c) is made from milk from which any fat has been removed, or
(d) is made from milk to which skimmed milk has been added.
32Swiss cheese or Emmenthaler cheese shall be cheese which
(a) is made by the Emmenthaler process from heated and pressed curd obtained by the action of rennet on whole milk or on standardized milk,
(b) is ripened by special gas-producing bacteria, causing characteristic eyes or holes, and
(c) notwithstanding section 31, contains, on a dry basis, not less than forty-five percent of milk fat and not more than forty-one percent of water.
33Gouda cheese shall be cheese which
(a) is made by the Gouda process from heated and pressed curd obtained by the action of rennet on whole milk or on standardized milk,
(b) has a rind which is coloured with some harmless colouring matter, and
(c) notwithstanding section 31, contains, on a dry basis, not less than forty-five percent of milk fat.
34Granular or stirred curd cheese shall be cheese which
(a) is made from heated and pressed curd obtained by the action of rennet on whole milk but not cheddared as in the cheddar process, and
(b) contains, on a dry basis, not less than forty-eight percent of milk fat.
35All package cheese shall be packed in packages containing a full net weight of one-quarter pound, one-half pound, one pound or multiples thereof, except that grated or dehydrated cheese may be packed in packages containing a full net weight of two ounces.
36(1)All cheese, other than cheddar cheese and washed curd cheddar cheese, shall be legibly and indelibly labelled with or packed in packages legibly and indelibly marked with:
(a) a statement of the net weight of the contents expressed in pounds, fractions of a pound or in ounces;
(b) the name and address of the manufacturer, jobber or the wholesale or retail dealer; and
(c) a true and accurate statement as to the name or kind of cheese or, in the case of process or emulsified cheese, the words “process cheese” or “skim milk cheese” shall be on the main panel of the package.
36(2)Skim milk cheese that has not been reprocessed in any way shall be branded on the side thereof and the package containing the cheese shall be marked with the words “skim milk cheese” before leaving the factory of origin.
36(3)Granular or stirred curd cheese that has not been reprocessed in any way shall be branded on the side thereof and the package containing the cheese shall be marked with the words “granular cheese” or “stirred curd cheese” before leaving the factory of origin.
36(4)The size of type used for all markings required by this section shall be not less than twelve point face extended capitals (Gothic) for cheese weighing less than one pound, not less than twenty-four point face extended capitals (Gothic) for cheese weighing one pound or more but less than twenty-five pounds and not less than sixty point face extended capitals (Gothic) for cheese weighing more than twenty-five pounds.
37Ice cream is designated as an article of food or drink wholly or partly manufactured from a dairy product.
38No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale any ice cream unless it
(a) complies with the minimum standards of composition,
(b) was produced in accordance with the conditions, and
(c) is packed and marked in the manner
prescribed for such ice cream in this Regulation.
39(1)Except as provided in subsections (2) to (8), ice cream shall contain:
(a) not less than ten percent by weight of milk fat;
(b) not less than thirty-six percent by weight of food solids;
(c) not less than one and eight-tenths pounds of food solids per gallon, of which amount fifty one-hundredths of a pound shall be milk fat;
(d) not more than one-half of one percent by weight of stabilizer; and
(e) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
39(2)Ice cream mix shall contain:
(a) not less than ten percent by weight of milk fat;
(b) not less than thirty-six percent by weight of food solids;
(c) not more than one-half of one percent by weight of stabilizer; and
(d) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
39(3)Sherbet shall contain:
(a) not more than five percent by weight of milk solids, including milk fat;
(b) not more than three-fourths of one percent by weight of stabilizer;
(c) not less than thirty-five one-hundredths of one percent of acid as determined by titrating with standard alkaline solution and expressed as lactic acid; and
(d) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
39(4)Fudge sticks shall contain:
(a) not less than three percent by weight of milk fat;
(b) not less than thirty-six percent by weight of food solids;
(c) not more than three-fourths of one percent by weight of stabilizer; and
(d) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
39(5)Ice milk shall be the frozen, pasteurized combination of cream, milk or other milk products and shall contain:
(a) not less than thirty-three percent by weight of food solids;
(b) not less than three percent by weight of milk fat;
(c) not less than one and six-tenths pounds of solids per gallon, of which amount not less than fourteen one-hundredths of a pound shall be milk fat;
(d) no fat or oil, other than that of milk;
(e) not more than one-half of one percent by weight of stabilizer; and
(f) not more than one hundred thousand bacteria per gram.
39(6)Dietetic frozen dessert, for persons on a sugar restricted diet, shall contain:
(a) not less than five percent or more than six and one-half of one percent by weight of milk fat;
(b) not less than thirty-two percent by weight of food solids;
(c) not more than fifty percent of the glycogenic carbohydrates normally found in ice cream;
(d) not more than one hundred thousand bacteria per gram as determined by the official method; and
(e) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
39(7)Milk shake mix shall contain:
(a) not less than three and one-quarter percent by weight of milk fat;
(b) not less than twenty-three percent by weight of food solids;
(c) not more than one-half of one percent by weight of stabilizer; and
(d) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
39(8)Ice milk mix shall be the unfrozen, pasteurized combination of cream, milk or other milk products and shall contain:
(a) not less than thirty-three percent by weight of food solids;
(b) not less than three percent by weight of milk fat;
(c) no fat or oil, other than that of milk; and
(d) not more than one-half of one percent by weight of stabilizer.
40(1)No person shall sell ice milk except in a container which has a capacity of
(a) less than ten fluid ounces,
(b) one pint,
(c) one quart,
(d) three pints, or
(e) two quarts,
and which shall be legibly and indelibly labelled with the words “ice milk”, the brand or trade name, if any, a correct declaration of the minimum contents in terms of fluid ounces and the name of the manufacturer or seller.
40(2)No person shall sell ice milk in a cone in any room or place unless there is displayed in a conspicuous manner in such room or place a sign or placard bearing the words “ICE MILK IS SERVED HERE” in letters large enough to be seen distinctly from all parts of such room or place.
41(1)Every package of ice cream or sherbet containing five fluid ounces or more shall be of the full net volume of one-quarter pint, one-half pint, one pint or multiples of a pint and shall be legibly and indelibly marked with a true and accurate statement of the net volume expressed in pints, quarts, gallons or fractions thereof.
41(2)Every package of ice cream or sherbet containing less than five fluid ounces shall be legibly and indelibly marked with a true and accurate statement of the net volume expressed in terms of fluid ounces.
41(3)Every package of ice cream or sherbet shall
(a) be legibly and indelibly marked by the manufacturer at the time of packing with the name and address of the manufacturer or the person for whom the product was manufactured,
(b) be legibly and indelibly marked with a true and accurate description of the contents, including the name of the product or products contained therein, and
(c) be marked as required by this section
(i) in type of not less than twelve point face extended capitals (Gothic) when the net volume is one pint or less, and
(ii) in type of not less than twenty-four point face extended capitals (Gothic) when the net volume is more than one pint.
41(4)Notwithstanding paragraph (3)(c), cans or other receptacles used for bulk ice cream or sherbet may be legibly and indelibly marked with the name and address of one manufacturer or the person for whom the product was manufactured in type of a size appropriate to the size of the can or other receptacle.
41(5)Every package of ice cream mix or ice milk mix shall be legibly and indelibly marked with
(a) the name and address of the manufacturer,
(b) a true and accurate statement of the net contents, and
(c) the words “ice cream mix” or “ice milk mix”, as the case may be.
42No person shall store in containers or cabinets used for the storage of ice cream or sherbet any product likely to be detrimental to the quality or flavour of ice cream or sherbet.
43No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale concentrated milk products for human consumption, other than dry skim milk, including condensed milk, also known as sweetened condensed milk, evaporated skim milk including concentrated skim milk and concentrated partly skimmed milk, dry whole milk, also known as milk powder, powdered milk or powdered whole milk, malted milk, flavoured malted milk, canned cream and dry buttermilk, also known as buttermilk powder, unless such concentrated milk products
(a) comply with the standards of composition,
(b) were produced in accordance with the conditions, and
(c) were packed and marked in the manner prescribed for such concentrated milk products in this Regulation.
44(1)Condensed milk or sweetened condensed milk shall be milk from which water has been evaporated and to which sugar or dextrose, or both, have been added, with or without added Vitamin D.
44(2)Condensed milk or sweetened condensed milk shall contain:
(a) not less than twenty-eight percent by weight of milk solids;
(b) not less than eight percent by weight of milk fat; and
(c) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
45(1)Evaporated milk or unsweetened condensed milk shall be milk from which water has been evaporated, with or without
(a) added Vitamin D, or
(b) disodium phosphate or sodium citrate, or both, added in a total quantity of not more than 0.1 percent by weight of the finished product.
45(2)Evaporated milk or unsweetened condensed milk shall contain:
(a) not less than twenty-five and one-half percent by weight of milk solids;
(b) not less than seven and eight-tenths percent by weight of milk fat; and
(c) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
46(1)Evaporated skimmed milk or concentrated skimmed milk shall be milk, with or without added Vitamin D, that has been concentrated to at least one-half its original volume by the removal of the water and from which all or substantially all of the milk fat has been removed, but in no case shall fat or oil, other than that of milk, be present.
46(2)Evaporated skimmed milk or concentrated skimmed milk from which only part of the milk fat has been removed and which contains less than seven and eight-tenths percent by weight of milk fat may be designated as evaporated partly skimmed milk or concentrated partly skimmed milk.
47Dry whole milk, milk powder, powdered milk or powdered whole milk shall contain
(a) not less than ninety-five percent by weight of milk solids,
(b) not less than twenty-six percent by weight of milk fat, and
(c) no fat or oil, other than that of milk,
and may contain added Vitamin D.
48Malted milk shall be made by combining whole milk with the liquid separated from a mash of ground barley, malt and meal, with or without the addition of salt, sodium bicarbonate or potassium bicarbonate, in such a manner as to secure the full enzyme action of the malt extract and upon removal of the water shall contain:
(a) not less than seven and one-half percent by weight of milk fat;
(b) not more than three and one-half percent by weight of water; and
(c) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
49Flavoured malted milk shall be malted milk containing a flavouring preparation.
50Canned cream shall be cream that has been heated without concentration or appreciable loss of volume to a temperature of at least one hundred degrees Celsius for a length of time sufficient to kill all organisms present, is packed in hermetically sealed containers and contains no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
51(1)Dry buttermilk or buttermilk powder shall be the product resulting from the removal of water from liquid buttermilk.
51(2)Dry buttermilk or buttermilk powder shall contain:
(a) not more than five percent by weight of water; and
(b) no fat or oil, other than that of milk.
52(1)Every package of evaporated milk, including evaporated skimmed milk and evaporated partly skimmed milk, not exported or intended to be exported from Canada shall be of the full net weight of six ounces, one pound or multiples of one pound.
52(2)Every package of dry whole milk not exported or intended to be exported from Canada shall be of the full net weight of one-quarter pound, one-half pound, one pound, two and one-half pounds, five pounds or multiples thereof.
53(1)Every package containing concentrated milk products shall be legibly and indelibly marked with
(a) a statement of the net weight expressed in ounces or pounds, as the case may be,
(b) the name and address of the manufacturer or packer or the first dealer obtaining them direct from the manufacturer or packer,
(c) a true and accurate description of the contents, including the name of the product,
(d) the registration number assigned to the factory of origin in accordance with the Canada Dairy Products Act and the regulations made thereunder, if the factory has been assigned a registration number, and
(e) any other markings required by the Minister.
53(2)Every package of evaporated partly skimmed milk and canned cream shall be legibly and conspicuously marked with a statement of the percentage content by weight of milk fat, in addition to the markings required by subsection (1).
54No person shall manufacture, sell, offer for sale or have in his possession for sale concentrated milk products for animal consumption, including dry skimmed milk for animal or poultry food, dry buttermilk for animal or poultry food and dry whey, unless such concentrated milk products
(a) comply with the standards of composition,
(b) are produced in accordance with the conditions, and
(c) are packed and marked in the manner
prescribed for such concentrated milk products in this Regulation.
55Dry skimmed milk for animal or poultry food purposes shall be
(a) dry skimmed milk that, when graded under the provisions of the Canada Dairy Products Act and the regulations made thereunder, is found to be of a quality below the standards for Canada Second Grade,
(b) dry skimmed milk manufactured in an establishment that has not received a licence from the Minister,
(c) dry skimmed milk manufactured in an establishment that has had a registration number, issued in accordance with the Canada Dairy Products Act and the regulations made thereunder, cancelled by the Minister of Agriculture of Canada, and
(d) dry skimmed milk that is not intended for human consumption.
56Dry buttermilk for animal or poultry purposes shall be
(a) dry buttermilk that does not meet the standards of composition prescribed in section 51,
(b) dry buttermilk manufactured in an establishment that has not received a licence from the Minister,
(c) dry buttermilk manufactured in an establishment that has had a registration number, issued in accordance with the Canada Dairy Products Act and the regulations made thereunder, cancelled by the Minister of Agriculture of Canada, and
(d) dry buttermilk that is not intended for human consumption.
57(1)Every package of concentrated milk products for animal and poultry food purposes shall be
(a) of the full net weight of one pound, five pounds, twenty-five pounds or multiples thereof, and
(b) legibly and indelibly marked with
(i) the name of the product,
(ii) the net weight expressed in pounds,
(iii) the name and address of the manufacturer or vendor,
(iv) the words “For Animal Food” in type of not less than twenty-four point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing one pound or more but not more than twenty-five pounds and not less than sixty point face extended capitals (Gothic) for any package weighing more than twenty-five pounds, and
(v) such markings as may be required by the Feeds Act, chapter F-7 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, 1970.
57(2)Every new package of concentrated milk products for animal and poultry food purposes shall be made of wood, paper, cotton or jute and if cotton or jute is used, the package shall be lined with suitable paper liners.
58Every manufacturer of dry skimmed milk shall use the grade names established for dry skimmed milk under the Canada Dairy Products Act and the regulations made thereunder.
59Regulation 120, Statutory Orders and Regulations, 1963, under the Natural Products Grades Act is repealed.
N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to March 2, 2007.