Lois et règlements

84-35 - General

Texte intégral
under the
Venereal Disease Act
(O.C. 84-135)
Filed March 13, 1984
  Under section 26 of the Venereal Disease Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Regulation:
1This Regulation may be cited as the General Regulation - Venereal Disease Act.
2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Venereal Disease Act.
3The prophylactic agent to be used in the prevention of gonococcal ophthalmia neonatorum in the manner set forth in section 25 of the Act is
(a) solution of nitrate of silver;
(b) tetracycline hydrochloride ointment; or
(c) erythromycin ointment.
N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to November 1, 1984.