Lois et règlements

94-122 - Compensation Fund

Texte intégral
under the
Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act
(O.C. 94-697)
Filed October 14, 1994
  Under section 14 of the Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council makes the following Regulation:
1This Regulation may be cited as the Compensation Fund Regulation - Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act.
2In this Regulation
“Act” means the Pre-arranged Funeral Services Act;
“claimant” means a person who makes a claim for payment out of the Compensation Fund under section 4;
“Director” means the Director of the Consumer Bureau appointed under section 3 of the Consumer Bureau Act.
3The Board shall pay compensation to a person who makes a claim in accordance with this Regulation and who satisfies the Board that the person has suffered a financial loss and has not otherwise been fully compensated because
(a) a pre-arranged funeral plan entered into with a licensee was terminated, cancelled or discontinued and all the money and interest accrued on the money and owing to the person were not paid to the person in accordance with the Act and the regulations, or
(b) a pre-arranged funeral plan entered into with a licensee was not fulfilled.
4(1)A claimant may make a claim for payment out of the Compensation Fund by giving written notice of the claim to the Board, which notice shall specify the relevant particulars of the pre-arranged funeral plan, the failure or breach of the licensee, efforts made by the claimant to secure compliance by the licensee or to recover money from the licensee and any unusual or mitigating factors the Board should take into consideration when assessing the claim.
4(2)A claim for payment out of the Compensation Fund may only be made
(a) in the case of a financial loss occurring before the commencement of this section, within six months after the commencement of this section, and
(b) in all other cases of financial loss, within six months after the event giving rise to the claim.
4(3)Notwithstanding subsection (2), if in the opinion of the Board the circumstances warrant it, the Board may grant an extension of time for making a claim against the Compensation Fund.
5(1)The Board shall determine the eligibility and the amount of any claim made by a person and shall, subject to subsection (2), direct the trustee to pay any claim or any part of a claim that meets the requirements of this Regulation.
5(2)No amount in excess of the principal amount of the pre-arranged funeral plan in respect of which the claim is made shall be paid out of the Compensation Fund.
5(3)The Board may require as a condition precedent to making payment of a claim or any part of a claim, the delivery and execution of such documents as the Board in its discretion considers necessary, including such documents as are necessary for transferring to the Board the interest of the person in the claim in relation to the principal amount of the pre-arranged funeral plan so as to subrogate the Board to the position of the claimant against the licensee.
5(4)No amount shall be paid out of the Compensation Fund until the claimant assigns to the Board any judgment or other right of any kind the claimant has against the licensee.
5(5)If a claim is approved by the Board, the trustee shall pay the claim out of the Compensation Fund as directed by the Board.
6(1)If the Board determines that a claim or any part of a claim made under section 4 is not a proper claim, it shall give written notice of its decision, containing the reasons for the decision, to the claimant and shall forward a copy of the notice to the Director.
6(2)A notice by the Board under subsection (1) shall be sent by ordinary mail and shall be deemed to have been received by the claimant within seven days after it has been mailed.
6(3)A notice by the Board under subsection (1) shall inform the claimant that the claimant is entitled to appeal the Board’s decision to the Director if the claimant mails or delivers to the Director an appeal within fifteen days after the notice is received by the claimant.
6(4)An appeal by a claimant to the Director shall be made in writing within fifteen days after the claimant receives the notice of the Board.
6(5)Notwithstanding subsection (4), if in the opinion of the Director the circumstances warrant it, the Director may grant an extension of time for the making of an appeal.
6(6)If a claimant requires a hearing before the Director, the Director shall appoint a time for and hold the hearing and, after affording the claimant an opportunity to be heard, may confirm the decision of the Board or may set aside the decision of the Board with respect to all or any part of the claim and, subject to subsection 5(2), direct the Board to pay from the Compensation Fund an amount determined by the Director.
6(7)The Board shall, upon receipt of a direction from the Director under subsection (6), direct the trustee to pay out to the claimant the amount determined by the Director.
6(8)The claimant who requests the hearing and such other persons that the Director specifies are parties to the hearing.
7(1)The Board may employ or retain such persons as it may reasonably require to assist in the administration of the Compensation Fund.
7(2)The Board may employ or authorize the employment of such persons to act as claims officers and clerks as it may reasonably require to assist in the consideration and resolution of claims and the operation of the Compensation Fund.
7(3)All fees, costs and expenses incurred by the Board in the administration and operation of the Compensation Fund shall be paid by the trustee from the Compensation Fund on the direction of the Board and shall be deducted first from the income of the Compensation Fund and in the event of any deficiency, from the capital of the Compensation Fund.
8(1)The Board shall appoint a trust company licensed under the Loan and Trust Companies Act as the trustee of the Compensation Fund.
8(2)The trustee is entitled to be reimbursed for any and all fees, costs, charges and expenses reasonably incurred by the trustee in the performance of its duties.
8(3)All fees, costs, charges and expenses of the trustee directed to be paid by the Board shall be deducted first from the income of the Compensation Fund and in the event of any deficiency, from the capital of the Compensation Fund.
9(1)The levy payable under subsection 6.2(2) of the Act in respect of each pre-arranged funeral plan under which the licensee or former licensee holds money in trust on October 15, 1994 and in respect of which the time for termination, cancellation or discontinuance without penalty or charge under subsection 4(3) of the Act has elapsed, is seventy-five dollars and is payable on or before November 30, 1994.
9(2)The levy payable under subsection 6.2(1) of the Act for all other pre-arranged funeral plans entered into on or before June 30, 1997 is twenty dollars and is payable as follows:
(a) for those pre-arranged funeral plans entered into on or before December 31, 1994, and to which subsection (1) does not apply, within fifteen days after December 31, 1994; and
(b) commencing January 1, 1995 and ending June 30, 1997, for those pre-arranged funeral plans entered into during each quarter of each calendar year, within fifteen days after the end of the quarter.
9(3)The levy payable under subsection 6.2(1) of the Act in respect of a pre-arranged funeral plan entered into on or after July 1, 1997 is five dollars and is payable within fifteen days after the end of the quarter of the calendar year during which the pre-arranged funeral plan is entered into.
10(1)A licensee shall, with the levy referred to in subsection 9(1), submit a report to the Board indicating, as of October 15, 1994, the number of pre-arranged funeral plans for which the licensee holds money in trust and for which the period of time for the termination, cancellation and discontinuance without penalty or charge under subsection 4(3) of the Act has elapsed.
10(2)A licensee shall, whether or not a levy referred to in subsection 9(2) or (3) is payable, submit a report to the Board indicating
(a) for the period October 16, 1994 to December 31, 1994, inclusive,
(i) the number of pre-arranged funeral plans, if any, entered into before October 15, 1994 and for which the period of time for termination, cancellation and discontinuance without penalty or charge under subsection 4(3) of the Act elapsed after October 15, 1994,
(ii) the number of pre-arranged funeral plans entered into during the period, and
(b) commencing January 1, 1995, for each quarter of the calendar year, the number of pre-arranged funeral plans entered into during the quarter.
10(3)A licensee shall submit a report referred to in subsection (2) within fifteen days after the period in respect of which it is prepared.
11The Board shall notify the Minister within two banking days after the date on which the levies and reports are payable of any failure by a person to pay the levies or to submit the report as required.
12The fiscal year end of the Compensation Fund is December 31st.
13The Board shall
(a) ensure that the levies paid are deposited forthwith to the credit of the Compensation Fund,
(b) reconcile the account for the Compensation Fund or ensure that reconciliation is done,
(c) maintain proper books and records with respect to the Compensation Fund, including but not limited to, records of assets and liabilities, receipts and disbursements, minutes of the Board relating to the administration and operation of the Compensation Fund, trustee statements, levies paid by each licensee and records regarding claims, and
(d) ensure that an audit is performed annually by an independent accountant with respect to the administration and operation of the Compensation Fund, with copies of the audited financial statements forwarded to the Minister and each licensee who paid levies during the year.
14The Board shall provide to the Minister
(a) by March 31st of each year, a list of the names of the licensees who paid levies during the previous calendar year, and
(b) upon request, any information that the Minister may require with respect to the administration or operation of the Compensation Fund.
15No member of the Board shall sit upon or adjudicate a claim by a claimant where the member has any interest, direct or indirect, in the result or is related to or connected with the person making the claim or the licensee in respect of whom the claim is being made.
16This Regulation comes into force on October 15, 1994.
N.B. This Regulation is consolidated to June 30, 1997.